Til date, there are plenty of web hosting companies to choose from. Most of them claim themselves to be the number 1 provider. However, if you were were to break the plans down, their offerings revolves around the same elements, such as disk space, email accounts, data transfer, number of website, etc.
To up a notch, there are even different types of hosting plans such as email hosting, WordPress hosting, cloud servers, etc. As a newbie myself before, I was clueless on how these plans work, and I was deeply confused by these different jargons.
Today, we’ll just focus on one difference – and this knowledge will help you determine the right kind of hosting plan for your website.
First thing first, do you really need to purchase WordPress hosing plans if you intend to use WordPress for your website? No, not really. The regular web hosting plans have tools to let you install WordPress on their platforms.
So, why is there such a plan created then?
The right hosting plan allows your website to run with least problems, and they offer the right experience.
WordPress hosting is specially catered for WordPress websites for enhanced performance. These dedicated plans host only WordPress websites, as such, all their services and support resolves around WordPress.
Regular web hosting plans are catered different websites with different platforms. While these plans offer WordPress installation tools, their services and support are not comprehensive.
In the midst of confusion, be it regular or WordPress plans, you need to focus on the following elements:
how does it feel if your website (24 hours salesman) is down for a day? Imagine the lost opportunities. Anything lower than 99% is unaccetable. Trust me, I’ve experienced it with one of the cheap web hosting companies, and it was devastating. The downtimes I experienced was very significant. In the end, it costs even more – it damages my branding.
Why is this at number 2 spot? Because it really matters. Especially when you bump into challenge with the services. With cheaper and unreliable web host, their technical support team may only consist of one guy – probably the web host owner himself. And this will drastically take time to recover any major downtime or issue.
As your business grow, so does your content, as such photos and web pages. You’ve to take note of the space available for future expansion, or you will have to upgrade your web hosting plan.